Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Joy Challenge: Day 5: Bible Study

I am realizing more and more that God is calling me to work with women in a women's ministry. I really enjoy leading a Bible study with other ladies and finding out more about their lives, their struggles, their strengths and their weaknesses. We all need other Godly women in our lives to help hold us accountable. I am not sure how God plans on using me to fulfill his plan but "here I am send me!"

Can't believe I just said that but it is true…God wants us to be obedient to him and his calling and if we are obedient then he will bless the ministry as well as our own lives. What an awesome God we serve. More on this tomorrow…my battery is dying but I am becoming more aware of what is truly bringing me joy and I am thankful that all my senses are aware of this journey that I am on to deliberately seek out daily joy!


corkyshell said...

You would be great at it!!! Can you believe we just days away from having our men home :)

corkyshell said...

You would be great at it!!! Can you believe we just days away from having our men home :)