Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Joy Challenge: Day 4: Sweet Friends

God brings people in your life everyday and there will be a day when your paths will no longer cross but until that day comes we must appreciate those special people in our lives and try to figure out what God would have us learn from them, teach them, appreciate about them…

Have you ever had that special friend in your life that just knows the right things to say at just the right time…they know what you need before you even ask…they drop everything to help you when you are in need…they know your deepest secrets and can actually keep them…they are there when you need a shoulder to cry on…lend an ear to listen to you and not give advice, just let you vent…they give you a hug…

I have a sweet friend who came into my life last year and we have become best friends…Elizabeth you are such sweet dear friend and I am truly going to miss you when we move but God has great things in store for both of us and we will be running that Christian way farm soon! This dear friend will watch my children when I need to go to work, run errands, or just get some much needed rest….well on Saturday she was like my knight in shining armor coming to my rescue…she helped me get my house ready for my open house, then watched the kids while I had the open house. I know this doesn't sound like much but when we all woke from our naps I had the worst headache so she took my children to her house for a Bonfire and dinner, brought them back home and got them in the pj's , teeth brushed and glass of milk so they were ready for bed…she even pulled down my sheets so I could just climb into bed…God knew I needed her that day…

I pray that each of you reading this has someone like this in your life…we , as women, need a "girlfriend"…someone we can confide in, share our struggles with, laugh with, cry with, be ourselves and jus have fun… if you don't have someone like this I pray that god will bring a sweet friend in your life soon so you can enjoy life with a "girlfriend". Thank you Elizabeth for being such an inspiration to me as a friend, wife and mother.

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