Monday, November 10, 2008

We Almost Made it!

As I was checking emails and finding out an agent's rental property owners may have already accepted a deposit on my cute couples "dream Home", Noah wants me to go, go. Interpretation - get up woman I need you to go somewhere with me. Well he needed to go potty. We went in the bathroom and he sits down on the potty, then this is the joy of having two at the same age, Sydney wants to go potty too. But, there is a problem! Yep you guessed it we only have one little potty, so we take turns sitting on the potty. Noah, then Sydney then Noah and just at that momant Sydney goes tinkle on the floor and Noah goes on the potty but doesn't ring the bowl! Boy talking about being insinct with each other. I guess we need to buy another potty! So here we are taking a bath at 7:30 am! Life is wonderful and I hope we have a glorious day! Daddy is off today and he still sleeping, which we will let him continue seeing that I fell asleep on the couch while watching tv, what's new. He also cleaned up the kitchen form the messes I made from breakfast and dinner. I know Flylady would not be happy with me but he did clean it up and start the dishwasher so we went to bed with an almost clean kitchen.
Next time I hope we don't have to go potty at the same time! Have a great day as you see where God is at work today.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I am enjoying your blog, I am so glad you are doing it! Keep it up!