My life is just as hectic and stressful as anyone else but do you ever feel like your in this boat alone? Yes....well here is a book for you, maybe it will enlighten you and give you that ah hah moment like it is doing for me: One MonthTo Live , Thirty Days To A No-Regrets Life by Kerry & Chris Shook.
Since my husband, Josh, has found out that there may be a chance of being medically discharged from the army, I have been floundering with what God has in store for us. As I was awoken by my 2 year old son at 5 am I began pondering things, life, work and friends. While still lying there awake for an hour I decided to get up and spend some quite time with my "Daddy" (my Father in heaven). This was some good quality time to reflect on this weeks past events and read Day 9 in my book which addressed Heart of the Matter. The first paragraph says it all, "When all is said and done, relationships are all that really matter. It doesn't matter how much money we have, where we live, or how many beautiful toys we've collected. None of these can comfort us, console us, cry with us, or love us. Our investment in the people we care about is the only legacy that has the power to endure beyond our lifetime." This is just so ironic with this weeks events. Along these same lines I was just praying at our sales meeting on Thursday about love and respect and read an excerpt from The Shack by William P Young. In this excerpt it talked about it not being about winning or losing but about love and respect. This is what relationships are all about and relationships are all that really matter in this life. I was then reminded of just how little faith I have in my "Daddy" with a exercise that our broker did with a mustard seed. In Matthew 17:20, He told them, “It was because of your little faith. I tell you the truth, 1 if you have faith the size of 2 a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothing 3 will be impossible for you.” If you have never seen the size of a mustard seed it really puts things in perspective.
I have found out a lot about myself and the many things that I need to work on, one which is relationships. I have also learned that I have neglected to nurture those relationships with friends, family and co-workers. What a wake up call when you realize that you are doing things totally wrong or rather you need lots of help doing it right.
WOW! Look how God works in our lives and the lives of others. I pray that you find that relationships are all that really matter and you tend to those relationships on a regular basis. May your day be full of God's Blessings.
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