I have had the best two days. I started off my Sunday morning just totally refreshed and ready for the day. I got the monkeys ready for church, fixed breakfast, cleaned up the house and out the door by 9:30 am. Yes, this is a big deal for me....the worship service was so amazing and just uplifting for me.
I just love different size pots just randomly placed. UUMMM what a great feeling. 
The way my back porch looks now with ferns and pots filled with trailing petunias is so calming! Just a haven to come to at the end of a long day! Just wish my honey was here to enjoy it with me.
I will have to tell you more about the sermon later but just remember these two things. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself. Enough said......If we would get SELF out of the way the world would be a better place, work would be better, marriages would be better, our families would be better, and our country would be better.....OKAY enough about that.....
Then from church we went to Lowe's to spend some birthday money....flowers on sale for $.50 whewwho!!!! I bought a lot for $91.00.
Well I also cleaned up our garden area which my friend Sharon will be excited to hear....I planted to Beef Master tomatoes, Golden Jubilee tomatoes, cinnamon Basil and Sweet Basil and the funny things is I thought I picked up green peppers, well we will have lots of HOT banana peppers, oh well. 

Yes I took all these pictures tonight! More day light pics later.I also put my blueberry plant in the garden as well...not producing yet like Sharon's but I am praying it will soon. Didn't put it in the ground as soon as she did....who me, procrastinate.
In cleaning up the garden area I mean pulling out the weedeater and going to town on some seriously tall weeds. Turned to soil and pulled weeds with the help of my little monkeys. Since I had the weedeater going (if you know weedeaters, as a woman, they are the hardest things to get started) I thought I would just weedeat around the entire yard as well as my neighbors since I was planning on mowing on Monday. I am glad that I did!
Well this morning I was blessed with sleep. We all slept until 8 am. I would not believe it. Obviously I worked them hard too! I mowed the grass today and the place just looks great!
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