This weekend was filled with lots and lots of rain, the smell of fresh baked french-style country bread, naps, movies, giggles, and a good game of hide and seek.
I just love the sound of my sweet toddlers laughter when I find them hiding in oh so obvious spots (like Sydney's bed) and then they say mommy you hide, I seek....Sydney wanted to hide with me and Noah find us but I explained to her that he does not understand that he is the one seeking and not the one hiding. He loves it when he and sissy go hide and mommy goes to find them. She kept insisting (and if you know her little (rather BIG) personality) then you know how this came out of her mouth: "mommy you hide, I hide and Noah seek" I kept trying to explain to her that Noah doesn't want to to that so I convinced her that we would seek and Noah would hide. Well we tried to accomplish this by sitting in her bed and counting while Noah went to hide over on the floor beside his bed. When we were done counting he jumped up and just giggled. It was so precious.
I just love the sound of my sweet toddlers laughter when I find them hiding in oh so obvious spots (like Sydney's bed) and then they say mommy you hide, I seek....Sydney wanted to hide with me and Noah find us but I explained to her that he does not understand that he is the one seeking and not the one hiding. He loves it when he and sissy go hide and mommy goes to find them. She kept insisting (and if you know her little (rather BIG) personality) then you know how this came out of her mouth: "mommy you hide, I hide and Noah seek" I kept trying to explain to her that Noah doesn't want to to that so I convinced her that we would seek and Noah would hide. Well we tried to accomplish this by sitting in her bed and counting while Noah went to hide over on the floor beside his bed. When we were done counting he jumped up and just giggled. It was so precious.
Little moments like this fill my heart with such joy and know that it won't be like this for long. they will be grown before we know it, that is what my daddy keeps telling me. Oh the words of wisdom from him. Slow down and focus on those sweet babies is what he tells me and enjoy every minute.
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