Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where Have I Been?

You may be asking where have I been lately? I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth for a while.  I can't believe it has been 19 days since my last post.  Well where do I begin?

Preschool started.....they love it!
Going into the office on Tues., Wed. and Thurs.....I love getting back into the routine of real estate :-)
Still unpacking....not loving that ;-(
Laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping....normalcy
Back to Clarksville to get rest of things.....missing friends!
Waiting for license to come in....patiently waiting.
Waiting for MOMs Club info to come in the mail....excited about this new opportunity
Ready to go to church tomorrow....rejoicing!

I will do better....please hold me accountable.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I am so amazed

I am so amazed....

that I worked out this morning;
that I have already had 26 ounces of water today;
that we have unpacked more boxes;
that my honey and I continue to grow in our communication skills (rather I continue to grow);
that we have not gone nuts with this move (no comments please);
that Sweet Pea slept through the night;
that we had a fairly smooth day.

Are like me when you listen to songs?  Some days I really pay attention to the words and other days when I am just listening to the music and the words don't even break the brain barrier.  Well today was one of those days where the words not just broke the barrier they hit me in the heart.  As I was working out this morning and listening to my mp3 player, a song by Keith Urban came on and I was just in awe by the words.

God Made Woman by Keith Urban

It never ceases to blow my mind
It does it to me everytime
Standing here looking at you
It makes me wonder what he was up to
Was he thinking about me
When he thought about you

When God made woman
He must've been proud
He must've been crying aloud
Or laughing out loud
Must've felt like the first time
Getting kissed by the sun
When God made woman

It must've been the most beautiful day
Looking down on all creation
He took a river that winds and turns
He took a fire that breathes and burns
And put it all in place
In the most perfect way

When God made woman
He must've been proud
He must've been crying aloud
Or laughing out loud
Must've felt like the first time
Getting kissed by the sun
When God made woman

When God made woman
He must've been proud
He must've been crying aloud
Or laughing out loud
Must've felt like the first time
Getting kissed by the sun
When God made woman

When Hillary Lindsey, Gordie Sampson, and Steve McEwan wrote this song I cannot imagine what was going through their mind but what a beautiful tribute to us as women and what God created. Thank you, God for creating me. I am truly grateful that I am a woman. I know we all have days where we may say "calgon take me away" but think about all the joys that come with being a woman. Let me help you: falling in love (I mean really falling in love for the first time); feelings you get from your first kiss; having that "Cinderella" wedding; having a husband who treats you like Christ treats the church; being pregnant and feeling life growing inside of you; the joys of motherhood; watching your children grow; growing more in love with your spouse everyday; and oh so many more things so again I agree with Keith's song When God Made Woman. 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Long Night....

It was a long night...sweet pea came in our room sometime in the night crying. She was warm and complaining about her stomach and her head. Amazing what a mother’s love can cure in the night. She curled up beside me and drifted off to sleep. Well not too long after dragonfly came in for some mommy time as well. My question to you is why they always seem to come to my side of the bed. Don't get me wrong I love to cuddle with them but sometimes I am so tired and to be awakened out of a deep sleep just makes for a long night. Well I put sweet pea back in her bed and dragonfly in his and you guessed it, that didn't last very long before they were back in our room and on my side of the bed. We tried this one more time until they both were fighting over cuddling with mommy.

Again I found myself laying on their floor all three of us under a big comforter. Not sure if this is a good thing but at least all of us get a good night's sleep. As long as you don't count the sore shoulders or back from lying on the floor.

Well, this morning was the same with Sweet Pea saying she wanted to go to her home and she wanted to play with "the girls." It breaks my heart to hear this from her because she doesn't quite understand. But I am delighted to hear that my BFF is going to be moving to Ft. Polk this summer. It is still 4-5 hours away but it is better than 8-9 hours away. I keep telling her that she will end up here in MS to start our own "christianway farm" so we can minister to this community. God still works in mysterious ways and still performs miracles daily.

Today we will go to cousin H birthday party at chuck e cheese. This is exciting because we have never been here for her birthday. This is one of the great things about living near family - to enjoy time with family on their birthdays. Happy Birthday H.

That is all for now, I hope that you have a great day and make new memories.

Share about your long nights,
what makes for a long night at your house?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Quality Time

In the midst of life I stopped to have some QT with sweet pea. Well I guess I should say that since she woke up from a nap before Dragonfly we were given some QT together. We watched cartoons, laughed, cuddled and learned some new words. It was some much needed mommy/daughter time.

We have all had to make some big adjustments in this new chapter of our lives, especially the kids. Sweet Pea has asked several times about going to "her house". It just breaks my heart that she doesn't quite understand that this is "our home". She was so use to going out the front door and being able to play with her BFF, "Princess Alana".

I can now say that I have found all their clothes and shoes! What a relief! Sorry I got sidetracked! Anyway, Sweet Pea and I had more QT last night before bed. She wanted to draw pictures or rather mommy draw pictures while she instructed me as to what color to use. It was cute. She would tell me what color to make their faces, nose, eyes, and hair. We went through everyone in the family. We probably spent about an hour doing this.

Just like spending time with family, God wants us to spend quality time with him. My best time to do this is in the mornings. I just feel like my day goes so much smoother when I begin my day with God. I like to get in my father-in-laws recliner, have my cup of coffee and usually have Sweet Pea sitting right beside me (watching cartoons). This is my time to do my study and bring my day to God.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

When is the best time for you to spend QT with Jesus? Where is your favorite spot to do this?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I want more boxes!

This is what my sweet pea said yesterday, "I want more boxes mommy."  Well we are in the process of trying to get ourselves settled into our new home next sleeping spot.  We are staying with my inlaws for umm I don't know how long but am very grateful that they are welcoming us home. 

I don't want anymore boxes but I do want to find some much needed things like sweet pea and dragonfly's clothes, some paperwork and my shoes.  What is stopping us from finding these things?  The cold!  Our things are stored in the top of the barn and it is cold to be out there for a long time.  It muct be done and I need to do it today. 

We do have the kids room almost to the point it needs to be to make them feel like this is home.  The sad thing is Sweet Pea said yesterday that she wanted to go to the girls house :(  This is hard to watch your 3 year old try and understand why she can't just walk next door and see her very best friend. 

Well I will do my best to keep this updated on a daily basis and like my friend Lynne said "I am not sure who will read this" but I will continue to write on.